Neuropsychological Evaluations
A neuropsychological evaluation involves a comprehensive testing process to identify the reasons a child or adolescent may be struggling in school or in other areas of their lives. It includes an intake session with parents, individual testing sessions, a feedback session, and the completion of a comprehensive written report. This testing provides an in-depth look at an individual’s cognitive processes necessary for learning—including attention and executive functions, their capacity to learn, their current academic functioning, as well as their social and emotional functioning. Using the results, evaluators help clients and their families understand areas of strengths and weaknesses; and, when appropriate, specific diagnoses as well as recommendations for accommodations and interventions are generated.
At CDA, we work with parents and educators to determine how we can use these findings to improve children’s academic performance, both at school and at home. We also help children understand the way they learn best and process information, and develop strategies they can employ to become more efficient in their studies. The ultimate goal is to help children and adolescents to feel more in control of their academic lives and more capable of mastering increasingly complex tasks.